PDQ Communications

Founded in 2003, PDQ Communications, Inc. is a B2B healthcare marketing company that offers exclusive access to their massive healthcare provider (HCP) contact lists, as well as a range of content development and deployment services designed to better connect their clients with the right HCP audience. PDQ is also a women-owned (WBENC certified), small business, and diversity company. 

various screenshots of images from PDQ Communications website

Launch Date

August 01, 2020


Current Client


When PDQ Communications partnered with Hypha HubSpot Development in 2019, they sought to improve the performance of their website and increase the number of new leads it would generate. 

Through our efforts, PDQ has experienced a significant increase in keyword rankings, website traffic, and new contacts annually.

The PDQ website was outdated and required serious renovations to be more productive, and the company needed a better content strategy that focused on optimizing keyword rankings and motivating contact conversions. 

Hypha utilized the HubSpot platform and inbound marketing expertise to:

  • Rebuild the Brand Website
  • Conduct Keyword Research (SEO)
  • Create a Content Strategy
  • Develop a User-Friendly Blog Environment on the Website
  • Write Useful & Comprehensive Industry-Related Blog Posts
  • Create Landing Pages & Calls to Action
  • Design Email Marketing Campaigns

What We Did

  • Website Redesign
  • Lead Generation
  • SEO
  • Content Creation
  • Collateral & Graphic Design

Tech Stack

  • cms hub icon CMS Hub
  • marketing hub icon Marketing Hub
various screenshots of images from PDQ Communications website

The Results

Where previously the PDQ website was failing to garner any engagement or conversions, over the course of our partnership we’ve been able to drive a significant amount of direct traffic to the site while generating an influx of new contacts.  

Hypha HubSpot Development rebuilt the site to provide a more user-friendly experience for visitors, and leveraged that new environment with informative and strategic content designed to target relevant keywords while increasing site traffic and new contact conversions.

While PDQ’s overall growth has been remarkable, we’ve recently made outstanding progress with their marketing results in a year-over-year comparison between 2021 and 2022.

Keyword Rankings

After researching and producing informative content targeting specific keywords to yield better traffic, PDQ saw an 83 percent increase in the number of keywords ranking in the top 10 positions between 2021 and 2022. 

This strategy also resulted in a 21 percent increase in direct website traffic over that same period. 

Contact Conversions 

With the help of our extensive website overhaul, we were able to better leverage our strategic content, along with additional conversion opportunities, to significantly boost contact conversions.

Between 2021 and 2022, PDQ experienced a 106 percent increase in the amount of new contacts, including an 85 percent increase in the number of contacts from organic searches and 153 percent increase in contacts from direct traffic

83% Increase in the number of keywords ranking in the top 10 positions between 2021 and 2022
106% Increase in the amount of new contacts
85% Increase in the number of contacts from organic searches

Planning for Even Greater Success!

Thanks to our methodical and well-executed inbound content strategy, as well as our work redesigning the company’s website, PDQ has seen remarkable improvements in just a short time. 

While we at Hypha HubSpot Development are proud of the strides we’ve made in helping PDQ Communications grow, we know this is only the beginning. We’ll be planning for even greater success well into the future!

Let's Talk

Request an exploratory review today to find out how to take your business to the next level.